GUARANTEED SEO – means you Pay Nothing until your main keyword gets on Top of Google or Yahoo / Bing

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Guaranteed SEO service is 100% White Hat service and will definitely help you to climb Google heights. So search no further! This is an unbeatable SEO service for 1 website. SEO is hard and time consuming process however when done right the rewards are GREAT! Being in top search results is vital because there are thousands of hungry buyers looking for your products/services.

This service is lasting for six months and you are required a security deposit of £200. This sum is, however, fully refundable. As we begin to work with your keyword(s), we never charge you. until we’ve reached the top thirty positions at,, and

Our pricing schedule has been divided into five different ascending blocks.

Block 1. The lowest positions (21- to 30)
Block 2. Positions 11 to 20
Block 3. Positions 7 to 10
Block 4. Positions 4 to 6
Block 5. Positions 1 to 3, this latter being the highest.

The manner in which serve you.

Each block is assigned a service fee which will be listed but not charged against you unless your site reaches the plateau indicated by the numbers above. The pricing schedule is calculated by comparing SEO-related factors with market rates combined with actual results. This will include a comparison to other sites, as well as your competition for each keyword.

We maintain an active program that analyzes and evaluates all active keywords. Your particular SEO campaign will never be charged unless and until rankings have brought your campaign into the Top Thirty. And until your keywords achieve a prominent ranking above the original position of the search results on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.


As an example 1 if your site ranks at #4 on Google (Block 4) and #11 on Yahoo!/Bing (Block 2) the monthly service fee for your keyword would equate to 250+100=350.

Or as an example 2 if your site reaches the rank in (Block 2) on Google and on Yahoo/Bing, the number of 26 (Block #1) the monthly service would then be calculated as 150+50=200.

Payment for guaranteed seo

On the first day of each month, invoices are distributed to all clients. We will have checked your site’s average rankings for all active keywords in the search engine results. We then invoice you for the corresponding amounts for the different rankings. In addition to this, you will receive a monthly summary via email on the first of each month so that you may remain abreast of exactly what is happening to your campaign. To further keep you properly informed we send out another mid-month ranking report that will be emailed to you on the fifteenth of each month.

Our Time Schedule for guaranteed seo

Typically, we note a six-week time period before notable changes in a rank increase. These rankings depend heavily on the individual site compared to the competitive landscape.

Once the keyword has been submitted and approved for your program, monthly charges will be locked in place. These charges will be calculated based on the competitive landscape at the time a keyword is mined for service. An exception would be in the case where you might desire to change the landing page for which we optimized a given keyword. In such an event, upon review of the new page submission, any necessary changes in the pricing impact will be discussed and confirm the change which you will approve.


Pricing for keywords is locked in on the date of activation and will not change. After having completed our initial six-month period, you will then have three program considerations at your sole discretion alone:

1. You may choose to deactivate keywords at any time without paying an additional deactivation fee.
2. You may choose to change over to our SEO Services maintenance Program. This only, however, if the keyword ranking has arrived in the top ten positions on Google. By choosing to transition to the maintenance program, the keyword pricing will be reduced at that time by 50% of the former monthly program price.
3. The third option is that going forward, you may choose to cancel our agreement with only the applicable monthly pro-rated charges being applied and the deactivation fee is not charged based on the completion of the six-month program.
Our Guaranteed SEO programs have been set up in a six-month time frame from the day of activation. You are never charged if rankings do not increase beyond their original starting position and reach the top thirty. Fees are only calculated and collected when the active keyword ranks within the top thirty positions and has improved.

Search Engine Guidelines

Needless to mention that our service is 100% Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird safe. However we have to emphasize this fact. We use our own proven SEO practices to reach the highest rankings and we, of course, abide by all industry standards, including link building, and relevant blog postings. We add trusted social bookmarking and submissions to select directories and have created partnerships with hundreds of publishers, blog outlets and directories. Almost all our activities in the area of SEOs result in outstanding and permanent exposure, even when the program no longer holds an active status. Alongside these advantages, we work with our partners in an ongoing effort to identify and incorporate relevant context for any opportunitiy that may help to strengthen our client’s SEO program.

Guaranteed SEO- A Complicated Process

Since the service we offer is somewhat complicated, we find it necessary to incorporate certain rules of service:

1. FREE technical and SEO audits will be made for your site and if errors are found, we discuss the problem with the client to make certain that any problem may be addressed and resolved.
2. We never charge a fee for On-Page Optimization consultations. We promise to spend dedicated time to ensure that your pages will be optimally prepared for review.
3. You must submit the URL of at least ONE website and ONE keyword. Upon having received this information we will be able to provide the quote for your keyword based on our top 30 pricing structure.
4. We only offer this guaranteed SEO service for English language domains at this time. Also we cannot optimize separate sites for regional variants other than, and
5. If you deactivate a keyword before completing the six months of this SEO Service Program, you will be charged a deactivation fee of £200 for your Keyword. In this case your security deposit will not be refunded
6. Our service is not available for adult-oriented websites. This would include adult, escort services, gambling sites, sites selling tobacco or alcohol, and in the end, no sites offering any illegal products.

Our Offer

In general, we’re offering our GUARANTEED service to illustrate that “WE CAN”. We hope that in the future you too, will become a loyal and satisfied customer. SEO is not a one-time operation. A proper SEO is constant and must be supported and maintained regularly since the rules of the different websites change quite frequently, some, as with Google, may change almost daily at times. And of course, aside from those considerations, there are many competitors waiting in line who want to move up ahead of your ranking on search engines.

Once we go to work for you, you have only to sit back and relax while we do the hard work. And the best part is that our offer comes with our rock-solid guarantee.

Remember, as we stated earlier, if your website doesn’t reach the proper rank within six months, you pay absolutely nothing. And your security deposit of £200 will be refunded in full.